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3500 Grafts Hair Transplant in Pakistan

Hair Transplant

A 35-year-old patient underwent a 3500 grafts hair transplant to address his receding hairline and crown area. The follicular units were distributed to the frontal, crown, and temple 3500 grafts hair transplant. The patient’s hairline and whorl were also receding. A hair transplant with this number of grafts is the most common procedure for male pattern baldness.

2 years after a 5000 grafts follicular unit transplant

Hair transplant surgery involves the transplantation of follicular units (FUs). These tiny grafts contain one to three hairs, but can contain up to four. One follicular unit is placed near the front hairline, while the other is implanted behind the back hairline. FFUs are harvested from a donor area, and the donor area is closed with sutures. The patient will need to wait ten days before the sutures are removed.

5000 grafts hair transplants can cover a complete balding area. The transplant procedure takes place at a BlueMagic Clinic. The doctor will clean the scalp and inject a local anesthetic to numb the back of the head. The surgeon will then extract loss-resistant hair from fertile areas of the head. Once the procedure is complete, he will transplant the hair into the balding areas. If the doctor deems it necessary, he may use the follicular unit extraction technique, a strip surgery, or an all-encompassing procedure.

Before and after 2 years after a 5000 grafts follicular unit transplant

Before and after hair transplant surgery can vary. The actual procedure is similar to that of a hair transplant, but the surgeon may choose a different technique, such as FUE, to provide more natural results. FUT is a method of hair restoration that uses individual follicular units to re-grow hair. The donor area is dissected into individual units. These units are then transplanted into the recipient area. The FUT method is less expensive than FUE, but it does require a linear incision at the donor follicle excise site. This type of hair transplant has a scar, which may vary depending on the doctor’s technique and the elasticity of the patient’s scalp.

Aside from reducing the likelihood of scarring, the FUT procedure also has many advantages. It is much more comfortable and results more natural-looking when performed by an experienced surgeon. The procedure can take anywhere from four to eight hours, and may be repeated if the patient wants thicker, more dense hair. This method is highly recommended for patients who wish to achieve thicker and fuller hair.

Cost of a 5000 grafts follicular unit transplant

A 5000 grafts hair transplant costs between 2000 and 4000 US dollars, depending on where you get the procedure. This is significantly less than what you would pay in the US or UK. In the US, surgeons charge by the graft, while in Turkey, most clinics offer an all-inclusive package, a fixed price for the most common range of grafts. They then implant the maximum number of grafts, up to a certain amount.

If you need a 5000 grafts hair transplant, make sure you ask the surgeon how many he will implant. Typically, surgeons charge by the number of grafts, so if your surgery requires 5000 grafts, ask your doctor for a quote based on this. Otherwise, you could be paying three times as much as you should. Similarly, if your surgeon charges by the area, you might be overcharged by 100%.

Cost of a follicular unit transplant in Pakistan

Performing a hair transplant requires a well-known, renowned surgeon, clean donor area, and anesthesia. The average cost for a 3500 grafts hair transplant in Pakistan is between PKR 175000 and PKR 250,000 in reputed clinics, while a 5000 grafts hair transplant is a little more expensive. The cost varies considerably based on the complexity of the procedure and the clinic.

The procedure costs 80,000 Pak Rupees for a FUT technique, but the cost is higher with F.U.E. technology. The procedure covers about a third of the patient’s scalp. The number of grafts required varies from three to six thousand, with about 20% being single, 50% containing three to four hairs, and the rest are mixed.

A 5000 grafts hair transplant in Islamabad, Pakistan costs between 120,000 and 200 thousand Pak Rupees. The cost depends on the degree of baldness and the number of sessions needed to complete the procedure. The procedure can cost up to $15,000 at Avrupa Sac Ekimi and can be completed in as little as two to four hours. It can take up to six months for grafts to fully grow in and there is some risk associated with the procedure, which is why it’s important to have the most accurate price estimate possible.

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