Dealers aware of the need to protect their customers’ interests have made great use of social media and been remarkably successful.(followers on facebook) They promote business. A successful commercial profile relies on engaging content that ensures engagement and reaches. Are you unsure where to begin? Here are some Facebook post ideas we think your audience will love.Click Here

What are users most interested in?

The communication of a car brand on social media depends on several factors. These include the positioning of the brand and the tasks it sets for itself. It also depends on the target audience. However, the more friendly and informal the brand communicates receives, the greater response from its followers.

A humorous element in maintaining communities is another important characteristic of successful communication. Both current and potential customers of the brand will find the information and technical details of cars interesting. People still visit social networks to rest because funny posts have the potential to spread virally on the Internet.

As in other areas, social networking in the automotive industry is best when there’s a clear and appealing picture and concise text. This format uses images from the brand’s photobanks. UGC content (user-generated content) can also be used. Separate photoshoots may be conducted.

Useful Material

Facebook is great for sharing the most recent information and expert tips relevant to your target audience. Inbound marketing relies on quality content that informs and inspires. Many dealerships have a blog with interesting facts about the automotive industry. Why not share these interesting facts with your followers? You can attract new visitors to your website by posting a well-designed article post that includes a link.

Note :how to get followers on facebook business page

Meet the employees

Many customers find buying a car exciting. Psychology tells us that people like to know the person they are dealing with. It is difficult to trust a faceless company. People will be more inclined to trust a person than a business. This is why you should use Facebook to introduce coworkers to customers. You can take a photo of your employees and add written information that explains their roles in the representation. This will make it fun and friendly. You can also make a video that allows employees to present themselves to potential clients. Employees can talk about their interests, work experiences, and motivations.

Posts on social responsibility

Many car brands seek ways to survive crises and help society deal with new challenges like Covid-19. Your audience will see that you share the same burdens. The priority of social responsibility has been shifting to fighting the virus. It is now more important than ever for every business to get involved in solving the problems faced by the community. Tell your audience how you have organized vaccinations for employees. These types of automotive Facebook posts are engaging and show that you are a responsible company.


Clients may ask the same question in online consulting. These questions can pile up. You can create separate posts with detailed answers. To collect more posts, you can even split them by subject. These questions must be relevant to the business, as the main purpose of a commercial profile should be to promote a product offering. Talk about your guarantees, payment systems, brands, and other details.


Facebook allows you to promote your business account without having to create it. Sometimes, users will do it for your business. A satisfied car owner may take a picture of their purchased vehicle and send it to you. They can also add some words about their experience with your service and how they felt working with you. 


Facebook contests and giveaways can help you grab the attention of your existing customers as well as attract new ones. Leave a comment to increase engagement so that people enjoy engaging with your brand and receive something in return.


A survey is another effective way to increase profile activity. The survey can be linked to a topic such as “What color car do you prefer: black or grey?” Are you a customer who has ordered a test drive? Hot topics are also available. You can also use hot topics to get followers involved and give them the chance to voice opinions. However, creating surveys such as this requires careful planning and thoughtful content.

Assistance with making choices

Your potential customers may not be experts on cars. Even the most basic things can cause customers to have many questions. For example, which model is best for a family with five members? What additional features should I consider for my car’s interior? What car is best for novice drivers? Unlike the answer to a commonly asked question, this post helps the client make a decision, pushes them towards it, and in some ways replaces the consultant. This isn’t a story about the company but rather a detailed guide to follow. This type of Facebook post is very valuable.Read more

Be friendly and open to new ideas.

SMM is all about openness. Many companies have enjoyed the benefits of customer loyalty for years by getting closer to their customers. Even if your annual report is not yet ready for publication, it’s important to be transparent in your communications. Social networks bring people closer and blur the lines between company and customer.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Instead, make friends with your client.

Participate in dialogue, respond and ask questions

It is not possible to communicate with your audience anywhere. It must be created. You have many tools available to assist you in this endeavor: interactives, infotainment, and questions at the end posts.

Ask your audience about their opinions and show them that you care. It’s also an opportunity to receive valuable feedback.

Followers who post questions in the comments should not be ignored. Notify the person even if the question has been sent to the correct department. You can assure them that they will find a solution. Few people enjoy waiting.

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