Organize Your Blog Labels

Make a list of the best labels you’ve used on your blog entries, and make sure to incorporate them whenever possible. It’s preferable to utilise a small set of frequently-used blog labels rather than creating a new blog label for every post.

If you’ve got over a hundred blog labels and you only use most of them occasionally, it might be time to do some housekeeping. Any unnecessary naming distinctions should be removed.

Due to the fact that Blogger labels are case sensitive, you may discover that you have more than one blog label that contains the same terms but with different case forms. In order to make room for a more general blog label, you should get rid of any specific blog labels that are only used a few times. Remove labels from your blog entries that aren’t absolutely necessary, such “uncategorized” or “blog,” and you’ll find it much easier to navigate your site.

Make Limited Use of Them

Each blog article should only have three labels. In this case, little is more. If you use a dozen different labels in one blog article, it will be difficult for readers to follow and will give the impression that the piece lacks any kind of structure. Spamming search engines is also a possibility. There is no benefit to using more blog labels, and doing so may even harm your site’s performance.

Each blog label should consist of no more than three words. Phrases comprising many words should be avoided. Blog labels can be compared to search terms or file naming conventions. You wouldn’t have “my summer activity ideas for the kids” on a folder tab when you can have the shorter and more succinct “kid summer activities” instead.

Use At Least One Label

Make sure each blog post has at least one label. Don’t leave a blog post, no matter how brief or trivial it may be, without a blog label. If you are going to perform a quick announcement, establish an announcement label and store it for future announcements or incorporate your announcement into your next bigger blog post. This helps your blog appear more uniform as each article has a label and no blog post gets lost in the archives of your site.

Avoid Being Too Specific

Don’t be overly detailed with your blog labels. Think of blog labels as broad folders where you would organise your content. You wouldn’t create a folder titled “summer 2018 party ideas” and expect to utilise it more than one summer for your blog. Use a broad category like “summer party ideas” so you can come back to it every year and build a library of entries on the subject.

If you are planning on utilising a blog label only once, it doesn’t need to be a blog label and shouldn’t be created. When you are making a blog label, plan to have more entries with it to ensure you are properly using this blog label.

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