Home Pets


Most of the people has a craze of having pets in their home.Here you can get useful info about pets and pets guide in our site.

Size of the Red Nose depends on the breed of Pit Bull it belongs to. A typical American Pit Bull Terrier stands between 17 and 19 inches on the upper section of the withers. They weigh between 30 to 85 pounds. However,...
‍Getting rid of pests in your home can be problematic. They are sneaky, crawly, and very hard to spot at times. Even if you think you have inspected every nook and cranny of your home, it’s surprising how fast...
Fleas are a common problem for dogs, especially in the warmer months when they reproduce faster. They can spread to other animals and even humans, too. If you're not careful, fleas can infest your whole house and yard.  Fortunately, there...
When it comes to driving, safety is the number one priority. You should always be alert to your surroundings and traffic patterns. Unfortunately, you also have to be on the lookout for unexpected factors, like wildlife. If you live...
The Trainability of a Red Nose Pit Bulls: Temperament and Intelligence An Red Nose Pit Bull is a highly trained and adaptable dog who has an "never quit" attitude to every activity they take part in. It's beneficial when they are...