Instagram Explore

If someone clicks on an Instagram post’s Explore page and is shown similar posts to the one, they clicked on. If you choose this location for your advertisement, Click here it will appear on the Explore page as one of those posts.

Pros Over 50 percent of Instagram accounts utilize Explore to find brands each month.

Cons: You cannot choose this placement in conjunction with your Instagram Feed placement.

This is an illustration of an Advertisement placement on Explore:

Ad placement on the Instagram Explore Page

Messenger Inbox

If a user clicks on the ad that appears in the inbox of their account, they will see an in-depth view, of the ad, along with a CTA button inside Messenger.

Pros: Messenger Inbox ads look like messages. They can target those who have had previous interactions with and are keen on your brand. They also allow you to send promotional messages at any time beyond the standard 24-hour period after a person has engaged via your bot.

Messenger Inbox ad placements look like this:

Facebook Messenger Inbox ad placement


Facebook Stories

This option allows you to place your ads between other people’s stories on Facebook.

Pros: This positioning leads to high engagement rates and is a fantastic method of increasing brand recognition.

Cons: Videos should be no longer than 15 seconds.

This is an illustration of a Facebook Stories placement used to showcase a restaurant’s kids’ menu:

Facebook Stories ads placed on the platform

Instagram Stories

The Instagram Stories advertising placement is displayed in between the user Stories.

Pros Stories are an efficient method of retargeting people who already like you on Facebook and taking advantage of their current fascination with relevant messages and a variety of CTA buttons.

For more information:

Constraints: CPCs tend to be higher for Instagram Stories than in other places, While CTRs tend to be lower.

Here’s how these large-screen advertisements, vertically oriented, look at work:

Instagram Stories ad placement

Messenger Stories

The full-screen vertical advertisement appears in between users’ Messenger stories.

Pros: This app provides a full-screen format, with the possibility of adding artistic elements. Messenger plays videos with a duration of at least 15 seconds long in their entire duration.

Cons: It is not available as a stand-alone option. For this to be used, it is also necessary to choose Instagram Stories or Facebook Feed.

Ads that make use of this Messenger Stories placement appear like this:

Facebook Messenger Stories ad placement

Facebook In-Stream Videos

Facebook In-stream video advertisements appear in the video on Demand and a select group of live streams approved by our partners. The ads are only mobile-friendly and appear within or in between regular videos.

Positives: More than 70 percent of the posts are watched to the end. The platform also states that in-stream videos can increase 10% in per-minute reach over those on mobile News Feed alone. They also have the lowest cost per impression and are the best (though with a higher budget) to entice those who haven’t been exposed to your brand.

Cons: Generally low conversion rate and a small inventory compared to other places.

Here’s how in-stream videos appear to be like

Ads on Facebook that are in-stream

Facebook Search Results

This places your advertisement in front of relevant Facebook results for searches, including those from Marketplace.

Pros: These ads could be photos, video collections, carousels, or collections. Because they are displayed on Facebook search results and Marketplace pages, they’re accessible to people interested in what you’re advertising.

Pros: This option is only available via the Facebook mobile application. This is not an independent placement – you need to use a News Feed advertisement to utilize this option.

To view this ad position in action, we looked up “shoes” and came across this JustFab advertisement:

Facebook advertisement placement in search results

Facebook Instant Articles

These advertisements are displayed in Instant Articles on the Facebook mobile application.

Advantages: Instant Articles are displayed in a vast mobile-only layout (essentially an entire page on the web) that loads quickly and include videos and images. These articles are shown directly in the mobile News Feeds, allowing content to be displayed without directing users to a different website or application. They are also less expensive than other types of placements. Advertisements displayed in Instant Articles are loaded up to 10x faster than standard online ads, which gives marketers the chance to earn more through clicks and impressions. They also permit media such as YouTube tweets, videos, or embedded images while offering a full-screen immersive experience that offers users the chance to interact by commenting, liking, and other emotions on average Facebook posts.

Cons The conversion rates are lower than other sites.

Here’s an example of the advertising placement in the course of action:

Facebook Instant Articles ad placement


Audience Network Native, Banner, and Interstitial

Interstitial, banner and native ads are standard, mobile-only ads displayed on websites that are not on Facebook’s platform.

The pros: These ads offer you the opportunity to expand your brand’s reach beyond Facebook by allowing your company to reach out to audiences via ads that are partnered with publishers who have premium content for mobile apps sites, websites, Instant Articles, and videos. These ads offer a lower cost-per-click (CPC) and cost per lead (CPL) as well as cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) in comparison to other options. They also let you reach 16 percent more people than Facebook or Instagram on their own.

Cons Conversion rates are lower because of driving traffic that is not qualified, which results in higher CPAs.

Audience Network Rewarded Videos

This display shows your advertisements as videos viewers watch to earn rewards within an app.

Positives: Rewards motivate viewers. The videos are the best game-based ad format and have a high completion percentage. They’re also considered to be non-intrusive since they’re opt-in only.

Cons: These advertisements typically result in lower engagement of users, lower quality traffic, and less value over time.

Here’s how the app will browse in the app:

Ads for Facebook in-app rewards

The wrap-up of Facebook ads

In the case of Facebook optimization of ads, several moving parts are involved in making ads successful. This includes targeting ads, copywriting visuals, positioning, and copy.

Since Facebook has automated targeted ads, Facebook ad placements are frequently left out of the setting procedure. While automatic placements are practical, not selecting your own Facebook ads does not take advantage of more targeted ads.

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