It’s exactly what it says. I am reviewing a gacha I’ve played. Why? Too much time. This and a crippling gacha addiction is what I can relate to. Once I’ve played/reviewed them, I’ll add them to my collection.

I do not intend to criticize fandoms, franchises, or individuals. I simply share my honest opinion based on what I’ve played in the games and what I hear from the fans. You can attack me however you wish. You can attack me in any way you like, but I won’t allow conflict to occur.


This review contains notes, a summary of the story, gameplay, and the positives as well as the negatives of FATE/GRAND ORDER.


Please forgive me if I sound biased. I’m trying my best to critique this game, but I’m also addicted. Also, I am F2P so… Spoiler free!

Story Summary

1st Ark: Humanity cannot have a future beyond 2018, so you must go back in time in order to correct the historical irregularities caused by the item known as the “Holy Grail”. You can fix each timeline by calling it “Singularity”. Your goal is to stop incineration and provide a better future for humanity.

1.5 Arc: Some of the Demon God Pillars spread to other parts and times of history after you have saved the world. They attempt to destroy the world in those worlds. Your goal is to eliminate all remaining Demon God Pillars.

2nd Arc: I don’t know, I’m still stuck at 1.5. These are called Lostbelts and you travel through them to fight the 7 Crypters.


Although you can bring up to 6 Servants to a battle with you, you only have 3 starter members. The battle is over when you are given five cards from a random selection of 15. Your NP charge will be increased by the damage you do and the cards you are dealt. To release it, you must get it to over 100%. Critic Stars let you crit your opponents, but they are not guaranteed (unless 100%). There are three types of attack: Quick (gives you more C.Stars), Art (charges NP), and Buster (higher attack, but no Star gain or NP). You can get an extra attack by choosing 3 cards from the same Servant. It is simple to use and understand.


  • It’s a great story. It’s really good. Although it starts in a generic way, you form a bond with different servants and fight alongside them in each singularity. So seeing them again in Solomon feels right. I was almost crying when Jeanne and all the servants appeared.
  • This game is exciting to play same as the Gacha Neon apk game.
  • This game is fun and doesn’t mind being seen as absurd.
  • While the story is not as good as it could be, the plot does improve with each level. I haven’t reached the lost belts yet but the game gets more serious. Don’t forget Agartha or London. I can forgive London for being an early chapter, but not Agartha.
  • It’s very F2P-friendly 🙂 If you don’t want/can’t afford to whale, it’s easy to F2P it. You don’t need to whale for summoning. If there aren’t any characters you like, then you don’t need to pull/whale.
  • The fandom is very self-deprecating (I mean, we all play gacha. What do you expect?
  • The fandom is generally quite friendly, and my friendslist is way too kind to accept a newbie like myself.
  • There are high chances that someone who is waifu or husbando will be good at something.
  • They just slap.
  • Each Servant has his or her niche
  • Events are fun to play and the stories are interesting/funny/entertaining! The mission of unlocking the next chapter of bullshit is not the only thing that’s exciting.
  • Friends’ list support is great as you can use any Servant of any class. You can use the Servant however many times you like, as long as they aren’t online.
  • Friend Point Summons are a great way to get FPs. It is easy to get FPs.


  • Solomon cannot be summoned. (Yet. Copium.)
  • It’s a shame that Arcade has only a few servants. Arcade does use actual money to roll and print the cards, but that’s only in Japan.
  • This game is not up to the other anime mobile games.
  • This last bit is important. It appears that 1 and 2-star servants are summonable in normal gacha. yikes.
  • You can’t get most servants in the general pool. They are only available during their banner, rate up (or GSR). Please give me the Skadi I need to cast my overworked castings.
  • Saints Quartz farming… A true pain…
  • Material drop rates can be as high as 99%. I went to hell for one forbidden page, only to discover that I could have bought many at the cum.
  • The gacha rates.
  • Some people really are… (Refer to the Myst and Nusa videos)
  • Most FGO streamers/YouTubers seem to be very nice. Their streams/videos can be entertaining and informative.
  • The difficulty spike was real, and it wasn’t taken lightly. Camelot was a lot easier than I expected. I am so grateful that Merlin was available to me at that time. Without him, I would not have survived.
  • “QP hell never ends”
  • No NP skip.
  • No auto farm.
  • NA server includes 6 countries. These countries are located in completely different time zones to the United States of America.
  • There are so many European Servants, and it’s not easy to find the game in Europe. ANIPLEX WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU CAN HAVE TWICE THE WHALES. DO YOU KNOW THE GROWTH OF THE UNITED STATES KINGDOM’S GDP?
  • Materials can be difficult to obtain, so you will need to use Wikia to locate optimal farming areas.
  • I don’t like the limitations on how many people you can have on your team (CEs, servants).
  • A bond 11 waver velvet is a bond that eludes the grasp of its bond points.
  • Different artists have different characters. Everyone looks different, which is a good thing. However, there are many characters that look great and others that don’t.
  • Whaling can be expensive. I also live in a third, almost-second world country.
  • Double, triple HP bars for enemies. Why?
  • It is difficult to determine if someone’s NP has support or dmg.
  • The game doesn’t reveal what the leveled-up skill does. (Increases in NP from 16% to18% doesn’t mean you can rely on the Wikia.
  • Evidently, people don’t know how spoiler tags can be placed on the internet. So thanks to you, I spoil arc 1. I still cried, though.
  • Agartha. The enemies were irritating to fight, and the story was absolutely shit. Don’t trust elderly men with dementia.
  • NA is 2 years behind JP. We’re getting lots of stuff now, but why aren’t we 2 years behind JP?

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Let’s conclude

I learned more history from the game than I did at school. Waifus make history fun!

If you made it this far, I have my friend’s code [144,878,120] NA server. I will accept any person. I have nothing to offer except a Lvl 100 Bedivere.

Jk, I have castoria and waver, merlin, and tamamo at level 90. (Don’t ask me about my skill levels, I’m not poor) (also, the next skadi rate will go up when I need complete my overworked cart casters cast). (Yes, caster is my favorite class, and I’m just as cursed as myst if it’s not, even more cursed).

It’s exactly what it says. I am reviewing a gacha I’ve played. Why? Too much time. This and a crippling gacha addiction is what I can relate to. Once I’ve played/reviewed them, I’ll add them to my collection.

I do not intend to criticize fandoms, franchises, or individuals. I simply share my honest opinion based on what I’ve played in the games and what I hear from the fans. You can attack me however you wish. You can attack me in any way you like, but I won’t allow conflict to occur.

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