TIG welding, also known as tungsten inert gas, is also considered a tungsten electrode (GTAW) welding process using tungsten electrode. The first GTAW procedure was performed in 1953 with plasma arc welding. GTAW is the most commonly used process for dissolving light alloys into non-stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium, copper alloys, as well as metals other than steel and zinc.

This method allows the welder to have more control over the welder than the welder, the welder, the molten metal gas arc and the best budget tig welder than the welder. The biggest advantage of TIG welders is that they can be joined by heating two or more metal parts without the use of a single filler material. Unlike other welders, TIG machines require more skill and practice for proper use. , Thus reducing the possibility of cracking or sealing of cracked seals.

In fact, this type of machine service equipment combines parts of molten, two or more metals, and does not use molten metals. You will also see that this method has high accuracy and precision. Here are the pros and cons of TIG welders.


1. The best welding system for welding fine materials

2. Concentrated arc

3. Not a slag type

4. It is more easily soluble in both metals and metal alloys than in other processes

5. Without sparks and splashes


1. Slower speed than other processes.

2. Requires hand and eye care.

3. More UV rays than other processes.

4. There is a low rate of metal filling.

5. The cost of equipment is higher than other welding procedures.

6. Also, the processor must have a gas concentration that can replace oxygen when opened.

Tungsten arc welding (GTAW) uses the tungsten electrode welding process to weld tungsten inert gas (TIG). Gas-welding due to tungsten is commonly used to melt fine-grained pieces of steel, such as aluminum, magnesium, and copper, along with other non-metallic steel and zinc properties. This process allows the operator to perform even stronger, high-quality welding, such as welding, gas-metal welding.

The electric arc was discovered and developed by Humphrey Devi in ​​the 1800s. The coffin also had the idea of ​​dissolving an inert gas atmosphere in the 1890s, but in the early 1900s it was difficult to dissolve non-ferrous materials such as aluminum and magnesium. Inert gases bottled in the early 1930s were used to solve the problem. The electric arc process was perfected in 1941, and due to its use as a tungsten electrode and helium-protecting gas, heliarch or tungsten inert gas was dissolved. In 1953, a new process was created based on the GTAW, called plasma arc welding. It gives more control and uses the quality of welding to direct the arc, but is mostly limited to automatic systems, while the GTAW remains primarily a handmade method.