There is no documentary evidence of who coined the term “educational technology”. Different teachers, scientists, and philosophers have developed different interpretations of educational technology at different times. viraltechonly is a multidisciplinary process that integrates individuals, processes, ideas, resources, and organizations, and borrows technology from different scientific fields that depend on the needs and requirements of education to implement, evaluate and manage solutions to these problems. All aspects of human learning.

At present, educational technology has gone through some stages.

Teaching Strategies in the Stone Age, Copper Age, and Iron Age

Although the origin of the term is uncertain, educational technology in three human systems dates back to prehistoric times. That is to say the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.

In the Stone Age, some of the most important technological advances were the burning of stone, the burning of wood, the construction of various tools and utensils, and training in clothing. From place to place, some Stone Age people developed the technology of sea navigation, making the first illegal record of their oceans, weather, sail training, spaceships and stars. . Menu. At the end of the Stone Age (Neolithic Age), mainly polished stone tools for agriculture were made from various hard stones by digging underground tunnels, which could be considered as the first stage of technology mining. The polished ax worked well, and even after the advent of copper and iron, people used it to clear forests and plant crops.

Educational Technology in the Age of Ancient Civilization

According to Paul Seattle in 2004, educational technology began at a time when tribal priests organized information systems and ancient civilizations, and recorded and transmitted information through the recording of images or signatures. At each stage of human civilization, one can find a teaching method or a set of procedures designed for the implementation of a particular culture and which have also been used with much research and evidence. The more a culture is developed, the more developed are the teaching strategies that reflect specific individual and social behaviors aimed at governing an educated society. Over the centuries, every major change in the price, purpose, or purpose of education has resulted in a variety of teaching methods.

Educational technology in the Middle Ages and modern times

The papermaking process, which began in China in the early 2nd century AD, was introduced to the Middle East and spread throughout the Mediterranean under Muslim rule. Evidence indicates that a paper mill was invented in Sicily in the 12th century. The availability of spinning wheels greatly improved the efficiency of the spinning process, and when Lin White added spinning wheels as the supply of fabric increased, it led to the production of cheap paper, which was an important factor in the development of printing technology. .

The press was invented in 1450 AD by Johannes Gutenberg, the German inventor. The invention of the printing press was a sophisticated and advanced technology that was an important factor in the development of the history of educational technology to meet the needs of civilized society.

Although the industry in the pre-industrial phases was only craftsmanship at the artisanal level, the teaching process relied on simple materials such as planks, horn books, planks and hoes. It was limited to a few pictures and a manual. Educational technology is considered equivalent to simple tools such as drawings and photographs.

1873 can be considered a milestone in the history of early technology or audio-visual education. There was an international exhibit in Vienna and an American school received praise from teachers for displaying maps, charts, textbooks and other resources.

In 1833 Charles Babbage laid the foundations of modern computing with his invention of the conventional computing machine, and in 1943 the first computing machine was developed by the International Commercial Machinery Company in the United States. Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) OK Moore 1966. Since 1974, computers, schools, colleges and universities have been used for entertainment purposes.