Network technologies are communication protocols, transmission media, and data formats that allow computer networks to share resources. Networking technology creates the necessary infrastructure for communication between network devices.

The study of networks lies at the heart of computer science, and networking technology is the power behind modern data transfer. Every electronic device is part of a network, from your DNS-323 home NAS to your Raspberry Pi cluster to the core routers at an internet exchange point. This article will introduce how networking technologies work.

Networking is a cross-disciplinary field that encompasses electrical engineering, software design, computer hardware design, communication theory, applied mathematics, and other disciplines. Unlike other areas of engineering, which focus on building physical things (“houses,” “cars,” “computers”), networking engineers are concerned primarily with transferring information across telecommunication networks via data packets or using radio waves to convey messages or images.

Computer Networking

Computer networking is the practice of linking two or more computer systems together to share data. Computer Networks can be wired (via cables) or wireless (using radio waves).

“Computer networking has become extremely important in our lives. We depend on computers to communicate with each other, and we must be able to communicate quickly and efficiently so we can do our work.”

Common Computer Networking Terms:

  1. Connection Types
  2. Provider Interconnections
  3. Network Topologies
  4. Protocols & Standards;
  5. Types of Networks; Scalability, Availability, and Redundancy

Computer networking is the practice of linking two or more computer systems together to share data. There are many different types of computer networks.

Types of Networks:

 Local Area Networks (LAN)

 Wide Area Networks (WAN).

The following list describes some terms that are commonly used in multi-point networks

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Network topology

Network topology describes the layout of links between nodes or stations. There are several types of network topologies that you should be familiar with. The physical topology refers to how the wiring is physically laid out.

1. Star Topology

A more sophisticated type of network is “Star Topology,” where all computers on a network have their independent wire connection to a central point that acts as a shared communication hub. Each computer has its IP address. Like Bus Topology, data packets from any one source do not travel directly to their destinations. Instead, they are received by the central hub, which passes them along only if they are intended for a machine connected to that hub. Star networks can be expanded easily by adding more hubs as necessary. This makes it easy to maintain a decentralized network.

2. Bus Topology

A bus topology consists of a single main backbone cable, called a “bus,” to which other branches are attached at various points along the top line length using taps or attachments. An advantage of this type of network is its simplicity; the disadvantage is that if any point along the main cable fails, it will cause all data transmissions to cease until someone can repair it.

Network technologies are any computer hardware or software that allows computers to connect over a network. The first networking technologies were simply wires connecting computers. Early networks typically had only one computer linked to the network. Still, it was possible to add more computers by plugging them in, which led to this method being called “Bus Topology.” Because devices on a bus topology network all share a common connection point, they do not have an IP address and cannot transmit data packets directly to each other. Instead, each device has access points to communicate with the rest of the world; these access points include an IP address. All other devices receive data packets sent from a device on the bus network, and each of those must decide whether to ignore or respond to the package based on its destination address.

3. Multi-point link

For decades, multi-point networks have been used by professionals who needed to connect computers at different locations that were too far apart for standard cabling or when radio frequency interference was intolerable. These networks have become popular among amateur radio operators and experimenters in recent years due to their low cost and ease of construction.

Example of Multi-Point Link

An example of a multi-point link is a satellite communication channel. A satellite can provide many independent links between two points on earth, where each link is referred to as a spot beam. The backhaul connection from the hub station to the ISP’s core network is another example of a point-to-multipoint relationship in which all traffic must flow through one link.


  • What are the available network technologies?

Network technologies, also known as network protocols, are the methods a computer can use to communicate with other computers over a network.Available technologies include Wi-Fi, Ethernet, dial-up networking and Bluetooth.

  • Are there any preferred network technologies?

Network technologies refers to the layout of connected devices on a computer network.  A network technology is considered “best” if it is most efficient for transferring data.  

  • What are the types of network topology?

The three possible network topologies are:

1) Ring Topology

2) Star Topology

3) Bus Topology

Advantages of networking technology

There are several advantages of networking technology. First, it allows for the connection and communication of numerous devices and machines at one time. This is highly beneficial to the business and home environments since many printers, computers, and other devices can be connected to one network. The result is that tasks such as printing or sending information from one computer to another can be completed much faster than if each device were limited to its operating system and specific hardware. In a business environment, this can lead to more efficient use of employees’ time.

Disadvantages of networking technology

The problem with network technology is that it opens a room for malicious users to take advantage of the infrastructure and access private information stored on specific networks. This can lead to an invasion of privacy or theft of personal information, such as bank account numbers or social security numbers.

In the past decade, there has been a sharp rise in cybercrime-related activities associated with network technology. Hackers have been gaining more ground when breaking through security lines and accessing vital information at alarming rates.

 In addition, there is a concern about data breaches in publicly used systems that support online communications. According to research done by Ponemon Institute, cyber-attacks cost companies worldwide roughly $445 billion each year.

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