
Ruinsara Tal trek is a consecrated lake that lies near the source of the Supin River. The Himalayas are known for their captivating magnificence and supportive environment.

What else could be better than spending a few days here in peace? At the foot of Mt. Dark Peak Expedition. Its uniqueness can be explained by its environmental elements, such as snow-capped fields or bantam Rhododendrons.


Ruinsara Lake is located in the famous Swargrohini reaches. This spot is almost tied by Hindu Mythology. This popular course is a highlight of the Mahabharata Legendary Epic. Talk about legends such as the Pandavas who lived in this area during their 14 years of exile. Swargrohini travel is the most well-known and simple in all of the Garhwal Himalayas. There are two options: go straight to Himachal Pradesh, or choose to travel to Garhwal via an alternate route.

How do you get there?

Dehradun railway station is the best place to catch the morning transport bus to Sankri town at 5:30 or 6:00 AM. Sankri is the last place and last street that leads to Govind Wildlife Sanctuary. You can take a taxi from Sankri to reach Taluka (12km), where you will begin your journey to Ruinsara Tal.

Camping at Ruinsara Lake

Ruinsara Tal is complete, with terraced mountain fields, lush green verdant terrains, and conifer forests through an incredible scene. The journey is easy and you will want to complete it in between 5-6 hours once you land at the campground. Ruinsara Lake has been declared sacrosanct in the surrounding networks. It can be found on the right side of the primary valley floor, surrounded by snow-capped fields and low Rhododendrons under the incredible Swargarohini Rang Camp. Short term tent stay and supper.

You can relax and enjoy the magnificent view from the snow-clad summits of the Swargarohini. Or, you can walk towards Bandarpunch Peak for a closer look at the charming mountain.

You might be wondering what you would do if you spent a whole day just by the campsites at the lake.

Trust me, it would be the most memorable day of your entire life. You will have the most amazing photos and make some unforgettable memories by the lakeside. The path will take you through mixed woods, glades full of buttercups and forget-me-nots. It will make for an unforgettable day. The valley leads to the lake by crossing a series of flowering pastures, where shepherds from nearby towns can brush their herds mid-year.

Why visit Ruinsara lake?

Ruinsara Lake, surrounded by some sparkling pinnacles, is a peaceful haven. Ruinsara Lake is located in the famous Swargrohini reaches. This spot is almost tethered by Hindu Mythology.

This renowned course is a significant load, as it is still part of Mahabharata Legendary Epic.

It is both beautiful and dangerous to walk the path from Devsu Bugyal towards Ruinsara Tal while walking close to Ruinsara River.

Although the valley is small, it can be difficult to compare it with Rishi Gorge from Odari Nanda Devi Sanctuary. The stream bank is also quite beautiful and there are many high blossoms. Ruinsara Tal, a rare cold lake nestled in the beautiful mountain views of Swargarohini. The glades are clean and beautiful. The lakeside can offer a sense of tranquility.

The best time to visit

Depending on how much snow fell in the previous winter, the late spring season could begin as early as May. It may also wait until June when the rainstorm usually sets in. As you begin your trip, you’ll find many camping spots during this season.