Having a thorough background check means that you are checking a candidate’s employment and education history, driving records, and social media activity. It also means that you are conducting drug tests and verifying a candidate’s professional and social experience.

Verify employment and education

Many employers rely on background checks to verify employment and education during the hiring process. This is important because hiring unqualified employees can waste your time and money. There are several reasons why an employer may need to check an applicant’s education and employment history. Depending on the position, an employer may need to verify that an applicant has the proper credentials. Some places require specific degrees or certifications. A solid academic background is crucial to an applicant’s job abilities. Verifying an applicant’s education is a part of a thorough background check and helps ensure that the first hire is right. It also helps weed out people who have exaggerated their credentials. It can also help you determine the proper compensation for a particular position. Completing an education background check can take weeks if a school is closed or degrees need to be posted. The employer must contact each school to ensure that the applicant attended classes and obtained a degree. Some companies use third-party providers to perform these checks. However, some providers need to follow privacy laws and return accurate information. In addition, some public records sites cannot be used for hiring decisions. Therefore, using a legally-compliant provider is the best way to verify an applicant’s education and employment history.

Verify professional experience

Using a background check to verify professional experience can be an essential step in the employment process. The results can confirm a candidate’s experience, identify gaps in employment, and show a candidate’s overall performance. It is a tried and true method of screening job candidates. The best way to verify professional experience is by contacting a former employer. This can be a time-consuming process. It is essential to get each workplace that is listed on a resume. It is also important to check the dates of employment. Using a background check company can help to speed up the verification process. These companies will make multiple attempts to reach the employer. They will also personally call the employer. These companies charge $30 to $75 for each inquiry. They will also ask for signed authorization from the candidate. This authorization will allow the background check company to contact former employers. They will also make inquiries with former superiors. These companies may also conduct criminal record checks and perform social media checks. Again, the results can help protect the employer from hiring someone with a criminal record.

Request driving records

Whether you are a hiring manager, employer, or employee, requesting driving records for a thorough background check for employment is always a good idea. A driving record can help you find out more about a potential employee’s driving history and provide valuable information that can help you decide whether to hire that person. Driving records include information about licenses, endorsements, accidents, citations, and license suspensions. They can also reveal information about a person’s driving habits, including alcohol abuse. In addition, they can indicate whether a person has a history of drug abuse. The process for requesting driving records can vary from state to state. Some states provide a streamlined process, while others have more complicated procedures. In most cases, you will need to sign a release before you can request a driver record. The process will take up to seven to fourteen days, depending on the state. Driver records can also be ordered by mail. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a significant driving record source. Typically, you will receive a driver record within two to four weeks after you fill out the form and mail it in.

Conduct drug tests

Performing pre-employment drug tests on new applicants helps employers make the best hiring decisions. It also helps reduce the cost of drug use in the workplace. A drug screening can be performed through blood, saliva, urine, or sweat. The type of testing you achieve will depend on the job you are hiring for and your state’s laws. You may also use a third-party company to perform your drug screening. Drug screenings identify candidates who may have substance abuse issues or are prone to workplace accidents. They can be used in manufacturing, transportation, and other industries that have safety concerns. A positive drug test can lead to a withdrawal of a job offer. However, the applicant may still be hired on a probationary period. Depending on the circumstances, the applicant may be required to retake the test later. If a negative drug test is detected, the applicant may be hired as a permanent employee. Pre-employment drug testing is a common practice in the United States. Approximately 65% of workplace accidents are related to substance abuse.

Verify social media

Using social media for a background check can be time-consuming and sometimes confusing. If you consider using it as part of your background check, developing a solid policy you can follow is a good idea. Social media can be an excellent way to discover a person’s interests and personality. You can search for groups the person may be involved in, learn about publications the person has read, and find out what websites the person is linked to.

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