Would you like to step up your Roof Claim Denied? Read this first before you make any sudden moves.

This post is going to tell you how to readjust your claims so that they’re more likely to be approved. We’ll also tell you what not to do, and what mistakes are commonly made when filing a roof claim.

As a side note: we get asked often, “If I file a roof claim and then it’s approved, will all my past claims be forgiven?” The answer is no. Whatever was filed will not be forgiven. It won’t even be considered.

So what can you do? Something that we demonstrated successfully in an article last year.

First Step: Read Your Contract.

We know you’ve had a long day and your eyes are tired. But trust us, read your contract and the fine print on it. That’s where all the information you’ll need is going to be found.

If you have a Roof Claim Denied form that came with your policy, that’s also a good place to find information, but we can’t stress this enough: read your contract!

Second Step: If There’s Damage To Your Foundation, It Needs To Be Covered By Your Policy.

Have you noticed that your insurance agent has been asking you questions about the condition of your foundation? That’s because it could be an issue with your Roof Claim Denied. If there’s damage to your foundation, it needs to be covered by your policy! The same is true if you live in a low-lying area and are worried about flooding when winter comes.

Third Step: Make Sure You Have Enough Coverage On Your Home.

It’s important to make sure that you have enough insurance on your home. If you’re underinsured, then you’re Roof Claim Denied.

What’s being underinsured? Well it can be anything from not having enough on your policy to having an inadequate amount of insurance for the value of your house. It could even mean coverage that’s below the amount required by law in some states, or not having enough liability coverage at all.

Fourth Step: Do Your Homework Before Filing A Claim.

Understand that the time between the times you experience a claim and when you file is critical. If you’re experiencing a problem with your roof, chances are your home coverage has already been denied or declined. You’ll have to show proof (picks, documents) of the damage before they’ll issue a new policy.

Make sure that everything is in order so that when you call to make the claim, it doesn’t take hours or days for your agent to process it.

Watch out for the following issues:

– Damaged siding on your house, especially with water damage. It could be a sign that you are underinsured. – Failing Roof Claim Denied shingles and nails. This is another sign of underinsurance. – Missing or damaged metal flashing. You need to have this installed by a licensed contractor to make sure it’s safe and secure before you file your claim for repairs or replacement. – Missing or damaged gutters, downspouts and flashing. That could mean your roof isn’t properly protected from rainwater. – Missing or damaged soffits and fascia boards. If you have wood planks in your soffits, shingles and the like are missing, it’s possible that there’s a problem with the way your home is built. – Overgrown trees that may be causing shingles to lift up or even fall off. This is a sign of decay due to root damage inside the house.

Fifth Step: Not Filing Your Claim within the Allotted Time Frame.

Never wait until your policy is about to lapse to file a claim. The same goes for when you have a large payment coming up or you’re planning on moving. Insurance companies will usually reject claims made under these circumstances.

Some of the reasons for this are as follows: Most companies have time limits within which they must get a copy of your written estimate and proof of payment for repairs or replacements. The notice you received from your insurance company that the claim has been Roof Claim Denied or declined may have stated a different time limit, but it’s not a law or requirement.

Insurance companies are allowed by law to set their own time limits. The majority of insurance companies set their time limit at two years from the incident, which means they will only allow two years to file a claim. If you do not file your claim within that legal limit, then your policy will likely be void.

Using ROOF CLAIM DENIED To Your Advantage

If you have been following the news about Hurricane Irma, then you might have heard that a number of people who have received a letter that reads “Your roof is not eligible for storm repairs under FEMA’s Disaster Assistance program.”

FEMA has informed us that this means they will not cover the cost to repair your Roof Claim Denied. However, there are still steps you can take to make sure your property gets back on its feet as quickly and efficiently as possible once the storm passes.

We have previously discussed how to get a Disaster Loan if your home is uninhabitable, but what about if your home is in bad shape but habitable? How can FEMA deny your claim and then still apply for a loan? What steps do you have to take in this situation?

Let’s talk about the letter you might be getting.

FEMA uses something called a “Roof Claim Denied” letter to inform you that your roof is not eligible for FEMA assistance. Most likely the letter says your roof was not damaged to the point of being uninhabitable. This letter has been sent out to multiple people in preparation for Hurricane Irma, but it should not be confused with an official denial from FEMA.

It’s inevitable that roofs will need repairs at some point. But when they do, it’s important to know what options you have. If you don’t find out if your roofer has insurance before they repair it, then you could be left with no recourse when they can’t or won’t reimburse or fix the damage.

Roof Claims Denied – Why Claiming On Your Home Owner’s Insurance Is A Bad Idea.

Having a Roof Claim Denied can be a game changer. You can find yourself with huge repair bills, or in the unfortunate position of being unable to pay them at all.

Apart from this if you are interested to know about WATER DAMAGE CLAIM DENIED then visit our Home improvement category.