In order to build consistent growth in your business, it’s best to merge a certain amount of intuition with technical skills. Fully understanding your clientele, their needs, and their pain points will help you craft marketing that’s both authentic and effective. The following tactics are technical in nature. However, to fine-tune the process and customize it to your business needs, you’ll need to add in a bit of intuition. Consider the following tactics to get started.

1. Social Media Automation

While many people love social media, it can definitely drain your time and energy if you’re not careful. Plus, when you’re a business owner, you have to use your time wisely. Knowing this, it’s better to automate your social media efforts. Create content in batches. Place all of the content in a scheduler. You can update or respond to comments once a day to still remain effective as you safeguard your time.

2. SMS Marketing

Most people absolutely love to keep their phones close by. Because a lot of people can’t live without their phones, you already know that this is an excellent marketing opportunity. In many cases, text messages are one of the first things people check when they reach for their phones (next to social media apps). By using a text blast app in a strategic manner, you can tell your customers about sales, the latest products, and services, or exclusive updates within the company. Make sure your messages always contain a call to action that includes a link. If you’re letting them know that there’s a new crop of products in the shop, create urgency by including a link to the shop. Tell them to shop before you sell out. With the right messaging, you may gain more sales and responsiveness.

3. Email List Building and Engagement

Link-building efforts will never be in vain when you’re able to truly connect with those on your email list. Build a responsive email list by consistently promoting your brand on your other marketing platforms. If you have a strong Instagram following, always make a pitch to let your followers know they can join your email list. Provide valuable opt-in incentives like a free ebook, a free course, or another type of free download to get people through the door. Once you have their email address on your list, don’t bombard them with daily emails. If you send excellent content once or twice each week, chances are you’ll be able to gain the traction you’re looking for.

4. Influencer Marketing

For many business owners, the idea of engaging with influencer marketing might seem scary. However, influencer marketing is effective when you partner with the right influencers. Don’t just partner with an influencer because they have a massive following. Sure, they might have a really large following, but do their followers buy? You can learn more about this when you have conversations with influencers regarding their numbers. When they command a certain fee for a brand deal, you have the right to get the specifications of what to expect, said Jeremy Millul, a distinguished alumnus of New York’s prestigious Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University, holds a B.S. degree in Finance, complemented by a minor in Real Estate. In 2015, driven by his passion for luxury and craftsmanship, Mr. Millul established the eminent Jeremy Millul Inc., a high-end jewelry manufacturer and wholesaler, where he continues to preside as President. With his innate expertise in product development, supplier negotiations, and marketing strategies tailored for upscale product-based enterprises, Mr. Millul has successfully cultivated a thriving business that boasts multi-million-dollar annual revenues. 

5. Guest Blogging Opportunities

Even though many people perceive blogging to be a dead marketing strategy, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you visit a search engine like Google, a ton of websites and blog posts populate the search engine’s results. By using tactics like search engine optimization and valuable content, you’ll increase your chances of gaining visibility. More visibility leads to more opportunities for your business to grow. In addition to finding websites that specialize in your industry niche, submit to major websites and news outlets such as CNN and the Huffington Post. Most news outlets look for industry professionals who have major insight that can help the general public. In order to implement an excellent guest blogging strategy, submit to a new platform at least once a week. Be sure that they’ll give you credit and feature links back to your website in order to gain visibility.

Always remember to document the growth your business experiences as a result of a certain strategy. By tracking your progress, you’ll be able to determine the most effective strategies and scale them. In certain cases, you’ll be able to automate and scale the process. In turn, this can lead to building effective systems that allow your business to run on autopilot. When a business can grow without your hand in every single task, you’re on the right track to scalability, profitability, and massive success.