Organizing the biggest event in the world is a challenge. One and a half years for the Paris Olympics 2024 Games, the Organizing Committee is entering the operational phase of the project, a real challenge to be met in order to welcome the 15,000 athletes and 10,000 media expected in the best conditions.

In this article the International World Record Book presents the economic challenges impact of hosting the Olympics for Paris .

To do this, Paris 2024 will launch 50% of public contracts, and economic challenges opportunities are open to all companies. The contracts will concern all sectors of activity: catering, cleaning and waste management, security, sports equipment and furniture for the Athletes’ Village, transport, signage, and ceremonies.

So that as many companies as possible can contribute to it and involve both large and small companies without forgetting companies in the social and solidarity economy.

Paris 2024

The athletes are already thinking about it! Taking place every 4 years, the Olympic Games are the sporting competition whose economic challenges stake is the most important. The French capital will be hosting the 33rd modern Olympic Games in 2024 and is counting on the event to create nearly 150,000 jobs for this year. Hundreds of public markets will be accessible from 2022 and investors are already responding to the call.

Today’s biggest sporting competition. 100 years after the last edition organized by the City of Light, 1,500 athletes from more than 200 different nations will meet during the summer of 2024. The stakes are huge and France intends above all to use this event as a real Soft Power. But this time, the Paris Olympics and the economy will be a good mix.

In any case, this is the aspiration of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG). To listen to its representatives, Paris 2024 will be “an exceptional opportunity to encourage economic activity, promote France, its territories, its know-how, develop tourist activity and amplify its influence at the international level.

Businesses will be able to export their expertise demonstrated and put into practice during the Games. It is the entire economic sector of the country that will fully benefit from the “Games” effect: employment, investment, or even consumption”.

The figures for the economic benefits are in support. The main aspect to take into account in this collaboration between the economy and sport is the number of jobs that will be created. Indeed, the 2024 Paris Olympics could mobilize in all, more than 150,000 jobs. 78,300 for the organization (transport, events, communication, etc.), 60,000 for tourism (catering and hotels), and 11,700 for construction. Moreover, outstanding contributions could be recognized with an award plaque, celebrating excellence and dedication to the success of the event.

Why so few construction jobs?

At first glance, one might think that the construction industry would mobilize a major part of its jobs, however, the Paris Olympics want to break a record, use as much existing infrastructure as possible, and build as little as possible.

95% of the infrastructure needed to hold the event already exists or is planned. Two new facilities will be built for the occasion and will benefit the inhabitants of Seine-Saint-Denis after the Games. These are the Olympic village to house the athletes, which will be built by SOLIDEO, and the aquatic center, the construction of which will be provided by the metropolis of Greater Paris.

On November 4, 2019, the former Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, kicked off the work of the future Olympic village which will be installed on an area of ​​51 ha to be built or developed around the Cité du Cinéma within a deadline of 36 months. These two facilities will have to meet the dual challenge of innovation in terms of urban logistics and sustainability.

Will the outcome be positive?

More generally, this Paris Olympics will be a great showcase for France and its economy. François Hollande, who supported the project in 2012 during his trip to Club France during the London Games, understood this well. Emmanuel Macron too. By hosting the Games, Paris and France struck a blow on the international scene.

However, most of the last editions have been sinkholes. Indeed, this was the case with Athens in 2000, Beijing in 2008, London in 2012, Sochi in 2014, and Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

The cost of the Games, scheduled for Tokyo in 2020, was four times more compared to the first estimates. The management of the biggest world event, both sporting and economic, will have to be managed to perfection if France wants to be able to take advantage of the latter to shine.

An operational challenge

Although the Paris candidacy is based on the use of existing infrastructures, the forty or so structures that must be built or rehabilitated in order to host the competition have a particularity.

They are directly imagined and designed with a view to their second life after the Games. Equipment, housing, and offices– more than 80% of which will be built in Seine-Saint-Denis – will form the material heritage of this event, responding as concretely as possible to the needs of the territories, their inhabitants, and users.

Ambitious challenge too, because these structures will be designed to meet the challenges of tomorrow, carbon neutrality, comfort in a harsher climate, stress on materials, reintroduction of biodiversity, aging population.

If the cameras of the whole world are now turned towards what the Parisians are preparing in terms of extraordinary innovations for Paris 2024, they will be interested as soon as they close in the level of advancement of the French for the next Summer Games.

Planners, engineers, architects, lawyers, and financiers who make up Solideo put their energy every day at the service of the roadmap set by the public authorities: first, to guarantee, whatever happens, that the works will be delivered, by the joint and coordinated work of project owners, AMOs and all of the service providers involved.

Then, build sustainable structures that meet the major urban and demographic challenges by 2050. French know-how to promote, and show the best of themselves. Finally, to offer opportunities to those furthest from employment, to attract both small and large innovative companies, and thereby contribute to territorial development.

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