
Freelance writers are usually hired easily if they have written samples or test articles. If you have used major freelancing job sites previously you are already aware of this fact. Clients post their projects and make it clear that a writer who submits a sample would be given more consideration than a writer who does not. When a freelance buyer sees a test article, he or she sees the writing abilities of a given writer. A sample article is an imperative ingredient of a properly created cover letter, writers have to take it seriously.

It demonstrates the following information about freelance writers.


The level of expertise possessed in general – writing is a broad career and it has many areas. Some outsourcing firms use freelancer websites to find expert writers. This is the type who is not only good at SEO article writing but also writing essays, web content, academic papers, travel articles, magazine articles, and so on.


The uniqueness of the writing style used – There are many authors in the world and the writing styles they use demonstrate their distinctiveness. Even if you decide to do a writers’ course today your tutor will give you tips on how to develop a unique style of writing but eventually will expect you to discover it in person. Every writer has a very unique style of playing with words that may or may not impress certain freelance outsourcing companies or individuals.

Knowledgeable Content

Level of knowledge regarding the main theme – Freelance buyers is different in terms of what they want from online writing professionals. Some of them own special product websites and they prefer hiring an expert who can handle some subjects over and over. Others are owners of many content blogs and they aim to find one or more workers who are capable of writing many different articles per day. A sample can tell how much a writer understands one or more themes.

Extent of creativity

A test article on a given subject matter can demonstrate your level of creativity. If the employer discovers excessive repetition and use of too many words to explain something he or she will conclude that you aim to fill space with meaningless sentences.

Grammar and Punctuation skills 

– Any written piece can help a freelance employer gauge how good you are in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure. Many writers fall in this category, including me, and have seen their previous projects rejected. Even the best professionals sometimes fail and it takes hard work and commitment to improving our written English.

Ester M has been a freelance writer for more than one year so far. She appreciates composing any point and she has worked for a few clients. You can peruse comparative articles she has expounded beforehand on Independent authors

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