If you are a beginner in the tea-drinking world, you may look for the perfect tea. You can choose an organic Assam tea to have an ideal taste. There are thousands of tea gardens in Assam, and they create thousands of great loose leaf teas in a variety of flavors. Assam tea was once only promoted as Indian tea, but the quality grade and tea gardens are now significant factors for tea drinkers all around the world. If you drink tea, there is a good chance you have at least once tasted Assam. Below you will see the complete guide to organic Assam tea:

What is Assam black tea?

Assam tea is a type of black tea originating in the Assam area of India. This tea is typically strong, malty, and robust. The tea is really simple to make and, when combined with milk, is said to be an excellent drink. Many people describe it as powerful and bitter, but it can also have flavors of almonds and chocolate. Despite being available and popular in the area, this black tea is still a recent creation. It stands out to tea lovers for its strong aroma, distinct flavor, and rich color. Higher quality varieties are available online at specialty tea shops, despite being simple to find.

Assam tea taste

There are three flushes in Assam tea. The purest and most powerful Assam tea is the first flush. Most people say that this flush has a mostly malty flavor with clarification of chocolate. The flavor has significantly diminished by the time you reach the third flush. The time when tea leaves are harvested and processed is known as a flush. March through May is when the first flush happens, and June is when the second flush happens. Between October and November, there is the third flush. Assam tea’s flavor and aroma vary according to which flush it belongs.

Two types of Assam tea

The first and second yields are the best in Assam, which typically has four harvests yearly. It is a low-grown tea and roasted. There are two main varieties and they are CTC tea and orthodox tea. Depending on the type of leaf used, there are numerous subtypes of traditional Assam tea. Standard techniques are used to make orthodox teas, considered superior to tea produced for tea bags. That is not always the case, as the ultimate quality will vary depending on a variety of factors such as the soil, climate, plant, and type of leaf, harvesting period, processing techniques, and much more. Black tea, known as CTC, or cut-tear-curl tea, is a type in which leaves are shaped into small pellets, similar to simple chai tea.

Benefits of Assam tea:

Protecting the cardiovascular system

Flavonoids found in Assam black tea help to lower blood vessel plaque. By using this feature, you can reduce your chance of developing cardiovascular conditions like coronary heart disease and stroke.

Mental Alertness

Thinking and alertness are impacted by Assam tea’s caffeine concentration. Even when you go through a long time without sleep, organic Assam tea keeps you awake. However, health line cautions that if caffeine is eaten in significant doses, adverse effects may result. Drinking less than five cups a day will help you avoid the negative effects of caffeine, such as headaches, nervousness, an irregular heartbeat, heartburn, and irritability.

Richer in nutrients

Organic Assam tea has a higher nutrient profile due to its safe, chemical-free growth environment. It is rich in antioxidants, phenols, and polyphenols. These substances help the body’s defense against free radicals, which cause numerous health issues. Easy tea using lion’s mane is also popular.

Uses of organic Assam tea

Infuse organic tea from Assam in ice-cream

Are you a fan of handmade ice cream? Have you tried the incredible green tea ice cream that has recently become popular in the food world? Infuse organic Assam tea into your handmade ice cream to make it more flavorful and nutritious. Even you can add organic cacao powder to enrich the taste.

Make an organic tea and fruit smoothie.

Try the energizing green tea smoothie made with organic tea in the morning to give you a boost. Include your favorite seasonal fruit like mangoes, and apples are good choices. Blend with a tablespoon of yogurt and some green tea.

Freeze tea into cubes 

A delicious cup of iced tea can also be made using organic Assam tea. By freezing your brewed tea in ice cube trays, you can simplify the process of making iced tea. You can add some mint leaves to those trays for an extra touch of freshness. Using this simple technique, you won’t ever have to consume diluted ice tea again.

Final Thoughts

Organic Assam tea should be your first pick if you want the ideal balance of health, nutrition, and flavor. Both you and the environment will benefit from it greatly. So you can consider the listed guide for an Assam team in an organic way to boost your health.

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Ava Green
Ava Green is a certified yoga instructor and holistic health coach with a passion for promoting mind-body wellness. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Ava has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds to help them achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives. She is dedicated to helping people reduce stress, improve their mental health, and cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies through yoga, meditation, and other holistic practices. Ava has written extensively on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, and the benefits of yoga for overall health and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to live their best lives by embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness. When she's not teaching or writing, Ava enjoys hiking, cooking healthy meals, and spending time with her family.