We often find ourselves in a situation where we need some urgent funds. When a financial emergency occurs, the best option is to get a personal loan and meet the financial obligations. Do you know how much loan one can get via a digital lending platform in India? Some people may require a 2 lakh personal loan to meet some urgent financial obligation. Luckily, there are ways to get a personal loan of 2 lakhs online in India. Read on to know the process to acquire a personal loan online of 2 lakhs in 2022.

Know the Working of Personal Loans

Most of the online loans available in India are personal loans. As a responsible consumer, one should know the working of personal loans. Like any other loan, a personal loan is also offered for several reasons. Similar to other loans, personal loans also have a repayment tenure. The only difference is the need for collateral between different loan types. You don’t have to showcase collateral for getting a personal loan in India. A personal loan is offered to a consumer based on monthly salary, credit score, creditworthiness, and other factors.

Most people think that one cannot get a significant personal loan without collateral in India. Well, you can even get a personal loan of 2 lakhs without collateral in India. You only have to choose the right digital lending platform to acquire a personal loan of 2 lakhs in India. However, not all consumers might get a personal loan of 2 lakhs online. It is because lenders feel there is a credit risk associated with some consumers. When lenders feel like a consumer cannot repay the loan timely, they might reject the loan application.

The Process to Get a Personal Loan of 2 Lakh Online

First, you need to choose an online lending platform that offers hassle-free personal loans. Once you have decided on a digital lending platform, complete the KYC verification. KYC verification is compulsory for getting a personal loan of 2 lakhs online. One may have to produce their Aadhar card or PAN card for KYC verification. Be it a personal loan in Delhi or any other city, one can get it via a digital lending platform. Regardless of the location, one can apply for a personal loan of 2 lakhs online in India.

Once the lender confirms the documents, applicants are eligible to apply for a personal loan of 2 lakhs. With online lending, consumers are free to choose the repayment tenure of their loan amount. Choose a desirable loan tenure and submit the personal loan application online. The lender will review the personal loan application and come up with a result. With online lending, consumers witness quick disbursal of the loan amount in their bank accounts. The overall process of getting a personal loan online is simple and paperless in India.

What Increases the Chances of Getting a Loan of 2 Lakhs?

As said above, not all consumers may get a personal loan of 2 lakhs online. However, some factors that improve the chances of getting a personal loan of 2 lakhs are as follows:

• If you have a decent credit score, banks may not find any credit risk. Therefore, you are likely to get a personal loan of 2 lakhs in such a case.

• If you are a salaried individual, you might get a personal loan of 2 lakhs online in India. It is because salaried individuals are trusted by lenders and are likely to repay their loans timely.

• Consumers that have paid the past loan instalments timely have greater chances of getting a new loan online.

• If you meet all the lender’s eligibility requirements, you are likely to get a personal loan of 2 lakhs.

Be Informed About the Eligibility Requirements for Personal Loans 

One should know the lender’s eligibility criteria for getting a loan of 2 lakhs. Usually, people aged between 21 and 55 years can apply for a personal loan online. Also, one needs to be an Indian citizen to get a personal loan of 2 lakhs. Some lenders also have criteria for monthly salary for personal loans. Get a loan of INR 2 lakhs right away!

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about MSME Loan in India then visit our Finance category.