Instagram Posting Times That You Must Remember

The number of active Instagram users per day has increased by comprar seguidores instagram portugal 25% since March 2019 to nearly 1 billion. Omnicore reports that there are 500 million active Instagram users daily. The statistics don’t lie. We have many business opportunities. It has also become harder to engage with the public and gain more exposure since the introduction of the Instagram algorithm.

The content now appears in the feed promptly, with new posts appearing first. Many social media managers have struggled to find the right time for Instagram posts.

Top marketing virtuosi like Later, Hubspot and Sprout Social, and Hootsuite answered the call. They revealed the best days and times to post to Instagram. This will allow you to rely more on data than your opinions. More info

  • Instagram’s Best Times and Days to Post
  • Niche: Instagram’s Best Time to Post
  • Tourism & Travel
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Food & Beverage
  • Retail
  • Professional Services
  • Technology
  • B2C Companies
  • B2B Companies
  • NonprofitNonprofit organizations
  • The Worst Time To Post on Instagram
  • What Should My Brand Post to Instagram?

Instagram’s Best Times and Days to Post

Instagram-ish means that your art is seen and appreciated. Do you remember the last time that you posted something? Did the engagement rate compare to what you expected? You can do one thing to improve your Instagram activity if the reality is not what you expected.

Later recently analyzed 12,000,000 posts and found that the best time to get Instagram likes is between 9:00 and 11:00 am EST. When your target audience is at work, it’s the best time to post to Instagram. It’s important to keep it up until your target audience can combine their work routines.

  • Based on Later’s research, these are the trends that we have noticed.
  • Prime Instagram posting times that work well for Mondays don’t necessarily work well for Fridays.
  • Tuesday is for night owls and early birds. Posts that are published after lunch on Tuesday tend to be less successful.
  • Wednesdays are the busiest day of the week for work. More people like the content posted in the morning and later at night.
  • According to Sprout, Social Thursday is the best day to post to Instagram. During lunch, Instagram traffic times are high.
  • If you don’t wake up at 5 in the morning, Friday isn’t the best day to post Instagram photos.
  • It is generally bad to post on Instagram on weekends.

Hubspot and Later suggest that you follow the next calendar worldwide:

  • Monday – 6:00 AM – 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday – 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 11:00 PM
  • Friday – 5:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM
  • Saturday 11:00 AM, 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM

Hubspot’s marketing professionals attempted to find a middle ground between these two options. They concluded that Instagram posts with consistent engagement rates would be most effective between 9:00 am and 6:06 pm CDT, Tuesday through Friday.

Niche: Instagram’s Best Time to Post

It is no secret that Instagram’s best times to post depend on the behavior of your followers. However, different types of niche content can result in different exposure levels depending on when they are posted.

Marketing researchers began to do deep dives to determine the best times and days to engage followers with content from different industries. Unmetric analyzed more than 250,000 posts from Instagram accounts across North America and identified the top 20 accounts in each industry to give insights to businesses. check now

Tourism & Travel

Inquiring about the best time to upload on Instagram for Travel & Tourism is like asking people when they spend their weekend planning. People sneak into work on Fridays between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm to explore their travel opportunities and get inspired for the next two days. However, posting travel content on weekends when people are busy with their adventures would be wrong.

Media & Entertainment

According to Unmetric data, the peak hours for Instagram accounts specializing in Media and Entertainment were between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. People look for entertainment during lunch and try to be inspired throughout the day. People choose National Geographic over resorts or beaches when they have a break from work.

Food & Beverage

Although it’s obvious, Redbull and Coca-Cola have data that shows they get the most interaction on Fridays at noon. Hootsuite suggests that new members of this Instagram community avoid posting during mealtimes as people are more likely to interact with food when eating.


According to data from the Instagram pages of Nike, Victoria’s Secret, and Zara, the best time to post on Instagram is on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at lunchtime. People tend to look at Instagram posts about food when they eat.

Professional Services

Contrary to retailers, educational material providers get the most engagement in the early morning. On weekdays, companies like Ogilvy and McKinsey get more engagement and traction on Instagram when they post links to their content between 9:00 and 10:00 am.


Apple, Google, and Microsoft are among the top technology companies. They get more engagement from their followers when they go on air at exactly 2:00 pm on Monday or Tuesday. According to Hubspot, Sunday is the worst day to post on Instagram.

Regarding certain business models, the difference in peak Instagram posting times must also be considered. The time it takes to sell services or business products will differ depending on whether you sell them.

Instagram Best Times to Post For B2C Businesses

Hubspot research has shown that Saturday is the best time to post to Instagram for businesses trying to engage customers. However, every day between 10:00 am, and 3:00 pm is the best time to engage customers. Monday is the worst day for B2C businesses to post because people are trying to focus on work.

Circle S Studio’s guide for B2B businesses reveals that B2B audiences are most active in the afternoon and evening hours, except 5:00–7:00 pm during commute and dinner hours. Experts agree that Instagram’s best time to post is between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm on Tuesday-Friday. comprar seguidores instagram portugal

The Best Instagram Times to Post for NonprofitNonprofit Organizations

Sprout Social reports that nonprofit organizations show signs of engagement in time slots similar to Instagram’s peak engagement times. Experts say Friday at 2:00 pm is the best time to publish. Saturday, however, has the lowest engagement for nonprofits.

The Worst Time To Post on Instagram

Sometimes your followers don’t show any engagement at all. Most people believe weekends and evenings are the best times to post on Instagram. This assumption has been proven false by our experiences. Hubspot discovered that Sundays are the most beautiful day for attracting followers.

People prefer to take a break from social media on Sundays or enjoy a different type of entertainment. Expert Voice also expressed concern that Mondays get the lowest amount of engagement on Instagram, regardless of the post type.

What Should My Brand Post to Instagram?

Then, who are you to believe? This sounds like a lot to remember and many peak Instagram hours. But, every social media manager knows that the prime Instagram hours for brands and followers differ. You can post on Instagram many times, but the most important thing to remember is your target audience’s preferences.

Note: comprar seguidores instagram portugal

You can access Instagram Analytics from a business account to find the exact criteria that identify your target audience’s online activity, top locations, and most recent followers. You can keep up with Instagram’s information about the behavior of your followers.

Keep in mind, however, that Instagram traffic hours can change at any time. Without the right tools, it can be difficult to predict when your next Instagram post will go live. PromoRepublic provides everything you need to succeed on social media.

We have everything you need to manage your social media content on multiple social networks. The social media publishing tool lets you use Time Slots to analyze when engagement is most effective based on your business type and niche.

Could you take a look at us in action? We have so much more if seamless social media experiences are your main interest. Which is your favorite time to post on Instagram? Comment below to let us know.
