Everybody is talking on Facebook Live right now. However, prerecorded videos have their unique potential.(followers on facebook) How do you determine whether you should use Facebook Live instead of prerecorded videos? You’re aware that you must create video content in your Facebook marketing.click here

Live appears to be the most convenient solution, but there’s much more you can accomplish with prerecorded video. What should you pick?

As someone who has both, I’ve got some pros and cons to both.

Let’s begin with the prerecorded.

Prerecorded Video

The main drawback of prerecorded videos is that they are laborious. To make your video stand out, you’ll need to master new techniques like editing and visual storytelling.

Does it matter?

Video quality of recorded video

You cannot ensure that live broadcasts. Live broadcasts. You can purchase the most powerful camera, use the most effective microphone, and utilize the top program … however, everything can go down due to a weak Internet signal, power failure, or even a Facebook glitch.

Prerecorded videos allow you to take the time to create high-quality videos.

If something isn’t working correctly, If you don’t connect the microphone, or even if you’re a mess or something else, it’s not a problem. It’s possible to reshoot the same thing (and repeatedly) until you can get the correct answer.how to get followers on facebook business page


It’s not just about the most potent camera, mic, or powerful lighting. What makes prerecorded videos shine is the ability to tell stories visually.

The majority of live videos are comprised of one video of the presenter speaking on the video screen. 

Sometimes, you’ll find an interview set up using a split screen. To ensure it’s visually appealing, you must change “scenes” regularly and introduce prerecorded parts.

I incorporate stings into my live broadcasts to keep them fresh.

Utilize short videos that have been recorded to add stings to more live footage to break up the sections.

  • Make short, prerecorded videos to serve to add stings to more live video clips to break up the sections.
  • If you do not have a multi-camera TV setup is all you have to do with the tools available. Visual storytelling can be more than that. You can make your story more compelling through a mix of angles and shots.
  • Check out how they employ close-ups to create a dramatic effect or to emphasize.
  • Please look at how they utilize high angles to demonstrate vulnerability while using low-angle photos to display confidence.

Please take a look at the way they utilize wide shots to define the surroundings they are in.

Something as basic as cutting into a close-up shot of the item you are selling or the site you’re promoting can impact you.

While technically, you can accomplish this using live video, it would be an enormous production requiring several crew members. With prerecorded videos, you can perform almost everything on your own with a tripod.read more

Repeating the same thing over and over

I was a student of television production in college and was employed as a film producer for eight years. It took me 26 hours to make my first video online.

It takes me at least five takes when recording prerecorded. That’s the beauty of prerecorded videos. Even if you’re not fluffing your sentences, the fifth version is often better than the first.

Editing can be a powerful tool for storytelling as well. If you’re skilled in editing it, you’ll be able to include images and cutaways to make people see more information and reinforce your message.

All of this sounds great. It’s all good. Then why don’t you make use of prerecorded videos?

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Money and time

The process of re-doing and editing requires time. It’s a way to unleash your inner perfectionist. What appeared to be a straightforward video can be a long time to get percent perfect.

You then have to make changes.

If you record prerecorded videos frequently, you’ll build your editing and shooting abilities and become more proficient in this field. However, even an experienced editor requires patience to perfect their craft.

There are two alternatives. You can upgrade yourself or your team members, which takes time or outsource these tasks, which costs the cost.

You might prefer live broadcasts if you’re on a strict budget and time available for videos.

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