Although digital payments bring a great deal of value for both businesses and customers, many companies view the payment experience as just another customer touchpoint. E-commerce is all about speed, which also means that every element in the purchasing process matters.

More than ever, people buy and pay online. But the current system of bank cards requires customers to enter tons of information just to make a purchase. Furthermore, it’s not secure. Contactless payment systems are set to take over in order to be more accessible and secure. They reduce friction in the buyer’s journey so they can purchase faster and more often.

Pinelabs is a digital payment solutions company focusing on offering secure, innovative, and trusted payment solutions to our customers around the world. Businesses are continually looking for more efficient ways to do tasks that involve money. This is part of a natural digital transformation in the business world, which includes changing payment methods from manual cash transactions to automated digital payments made with smartphones and smart chips.

If you work within the B2B payment space, we’ve created a concise guide to help you understand the current challenges, get up to speed on what’s possible with digital payments, and take steps towards getting there. Our paper-based payment system ensures an efficient and cost-effective way for businesses to collect payments and distribute their own branded Check Cards. Our service takes the headache out of accepting checks and cash.

Paper-based payment methods are expensive and slow. Let Stripe do the heavy lifting so you can collect funds online and spend more time running your business. Businesses that accept paper checks often see problems – delays, overpayments, returns, and stop payments – as well as a decline in customer satisfaction and check deposits. These paper payment solutions were designed to solve those problems and make it easier to convert your payment system to electronic.

The digital payment solution in the future will change the way you do business. With this, your businesses will be able to use customized branding with our new platform, which also can include your company logo and different colors as you want. It is able to handle any checks received, including standard payroll checks and government-issued checks for taxes. A fully customizable system, allows you to eliminate paperwork and make your business more tech-savvy today.

We solve the B2B paper-based payment problem that has existed for decades. Each organization pays for a mix of advantages such as faster payment processing, complete visibility into money owed and paid, simplified cash flows, and reduced invoice processing times. The result is that our customers’ employees work less, customers are happier because they are paid faster, and companies save millions of dollars per year by reducing their working capital.

We offer digital payment solutions for businesses to receive and reconcile payments via the ACH platform with Intuit Payments; view and reconcile online transactions, emails, and invoices in real-time using Endicia; process credit and debit card payments using Intuit World; simplify cross border transactions with global marketplaces.

Electronic payments provide the exact opposite experience. The time and expense required to process cashless payments drop dramatically – sometimes by 60% or more. Digital B2B payment methods are also safer, easier to collect, and effortless automated. Best of all, when you collect payments digitally, that money goes straight into your business account with little to no delay at a fraction of the cost. From your customer across the street to the vendor on the other side of the globe – payment speed is about the same.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about 3 Ways to Use QR Codes for Payments then visit our Finance category.