The social media app TikTok, which is well-known for its brief videos, has grown in popularity recently. It’s understandable why people are flocking to the app in droves given its related content and user-friendly UI. With so many users, there is a need for verification, though, to make sure that the accounts are real and not connected to bots or fraudsters. This post will show you how to verify your TikTok account. Verification safeguards users from frauds and other unwanted behavior and ensures that only authorized users have access to the app’s functionality. You may improve your chances of having TikTok verify your account by using the advice provided in this article.

  1. Creating Viral Videos

Making viral videos is the most crucial aspect of having your TikTok account verified. This will demonstrate your involvement with the app and the fact that your material is interesting enough to spark conversation. There are a few ways to make sure that your videos have a chance of going viral:

  • Use trending hashtags: This will increase the number of viewers of your video that are interested in the subject.
  • Collaborate with other users: You will gain more views and followers if you collaborate with other well-known individuals.
  • Post original content: Try to refrain from sharing videos that have been done a lot of times previously. Be innovative and think up something unique!
  1. Building a Following
4 Strategies for Building a Following on Social Media - Scooter Media

Another important element in getting your account verified is having a sizable following. One must genuinely care about the material they are posting and want to expand their audience. Once the statistics are established, you may then prioritize quality over quantity. A common error among young people is believing that they can pay their way through the verification process, but this is not how it operates. Furthermore, tiktok likes play a big role in verification. On TikTok, it is quite simple to become engrossed in the numbers game. It’s simple to become preoccupied with metrics like how many views, likes and comments something has received. However, quality is ultimately more significant than quantity. Having a smaller but more active following is preferable to having a larger but less engaged audience.

  1. Be Consistent

You are more likely to get discovered by TikTok if you consistently publish high-quality material. They want to see that you are using the app actively, that you are involved, and that you are producing engaging material. Your account has a lower chance of being validated if you go missing for several weeks at a time. Consistency will increase your chances of becoming certified.

  1. Create Unique Content
How To Create Unique Content For Your Website | SEO Experts

Original content is a big deal on TikTok. You won’t stand out if you consistently post the same stuff as everyone else. You must identify your specialty and publish material that stands out from the rest. This will increase your chance of being seen by TikTok and help you develop a fan base of individuals who are eager to hear what you have to say. When unsure of the type of content to publish, observe what others in your area are doing and consider how you may approach it differently.

  1. Be Active in the TikTok Community

There are many talented individuals that are enthusiastic about their material in the TikTok community. You must demonstrate your involvement in the community and your interest in the posts of others if you wish to be confirmed. Share your favorite videos with your followers, leave comments on other people’s videos, and take part in challenges. By doing this, you may increase your visibility on TikTok and develop connections with other people.

  1. Follow the Guidelines
Every brand must follow Brand Guidelines - Reputation Today

All users on TikTok are required to go by a set of rules in order to be verified. These rules are intended to make the app entertaining and secure for all users. You’ll need to complete a number of tasks in order to be certified, such as:

  • Use a real profile picture, not a cartoon or other image.
  • Provide accurate information about yourself.
  • Be at least 13 years old.
  • Post original content that doesn’t violate anyone’s copyright.

If you can follow these guidelines, you’ll be one step closer to being verified on TikTok.

  1. Get Popular on Other Social Media Platforms

If you’re popular on other social media platforms, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to get verified on TikTok as well. This is because TikTok wants to verify accounts that are influential and have a large following. So, if you have a lot of followers on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, make sure to link your TikTok account to those platforms.

  1. Complete the TikTok Creator Profile
88 Trending TikTok Bio Ideas for an Impressive Profile » Trending Us

You have the opportunity to finish your profile when you initially register a TikTok account. Here, you may enter personal details about yourself, including your name, username, website address, and biography. Links to your other social media profiles can also be added. This part must be filled out completely and precisely in order for TikTok to confirm that you are who you claim you are.

  1. Have a Good Username and Profile Picture

Your username needs to be simple to remember and pertinent to the material you submit. You should have a headshot that clearly depicts your face as your profile photo. These two components are crucial because they will both increase the likelihood that TikTok will verify your account and help users locate you on the app. Numerous people attempt to use fictitious identities or images, but doing so will just get your account noticed and perhaps deleted.

  1. Fill Out Your Bio
How to Add a Link in TikTok Bio (and What This Means for TikTok)

Another crucial component of your profile is your bio. Here, you may briefly introduce yourself and the sort of stuff readers can look forward to from you. In order for people to quickly find you when they are looking for particular content, make sure to include keywords that are pertinent to your niche. Additionally, be careful not to overuse hashtags in your bio since this may come out as spam.


In conclusion, the advice provided above is crucial if you wish to verify your TikTok account. You may steer clear of any problems associated with having an unverified account by doing these actions. But bear in mind that it could take some time, so be patient!