Planning, managing and organizing a sporting event is not an easy task, especially having to apply the latest security and social distancing measures. Tennis tournaments, a soccer league… Here’s how to organize a sporting event that’s fun, safe and efficient.

How to organize a sporting event step by step

 Organization, above all

It’s obvious, but the best way to ensure the success of the event is to carry out a flawless organization from the beginning. It will help us to use an online project organization tool, such as Asana or Trill (among many others), but also to be clear about a series of questions: What is the event for? What kind of space will we need? What budget will we have? What are the health security measures that we should use? These are just some of the initial considerations that we must make.

Choose the perfect date

Choosing the correct date is vital. Making sure that our event does not coincide with any other sporting event or local appointments will ensure not only the attendance and participation of the public, but also the repercussion of the event. We must choose a date that leaves us enough time to plan and promote correctly.

 The choice of place

The place chosen to develop the 해외축구중계사이트 must have sufficient capacity, be safe and accessible to the public, whether it is an outdoor or indoor space. It will also be important to take into account the permitted capacity, following social distancing measures.

Plan how the event will be

Will it be a match, a tournament, a league? How many people or teams will participate? Will the event include multiple sports or just one? What will the format be? The more details you know about achieving the event, the better. Something very useful is to capture on paper all the details about how we imagine the event will be, from the beginning to the end. This way we will make sure to improvise as little as possible.

Calculate the supplies you will need

Make a list of the necessary supplies to carry out your sporting event: certificates, posters and signage, whistles, medals, prizes… And, of course, take into account the protective materials (PPE) , such as face masks, gels disinfectants and other cleaning and disinfection products.6. Health and safety

Make sure that the health and safety measures announced at all times by public institutions are followed in all phases of your event to protect all attendees. In addition, it will be highly recommended to have civil liability insurance. If you don’t get the right insurance, you could have to pay a considerable sum of money in the event of an accident, which is quite common during any sporting event.

Staff and volunteers

If you want to know how to organize a sporting event, one of the most important points is the calculation of the personnel that you will need to attend the guests. Most events of this type are staffed by hired staff and volunteers. The selection and instruction of the entire team is one of the tasks that, without a doubt, will be decisive in the outcome of the event. Invest enough time in training all the actors who will be involved in “the big day” so that they have clear instructions at all times.

Promote your event

Take the next step by actively promoting your sporting event. Send information by e-mail, use social networks and, if you have a budget, launch an advertising campaign in the press or abroad (billboards, means of transport…). Do not forget to invite the local press and some influencers related to the theme of the event to attend it. They will take care of helping you promote the appointment! The more effort (and resources) you invest in promoting your event, the better your results will begat this point, there are only two points left to fulfill: the first is to review all the details of your plan to see if you can improve or polish any. The second, start selling tickets! For this, you can use online platforms such as Event rite or, if you have a website, open a ticket purchase or reservation section.

We hope we have resolved your concerns about how to organize a sporting event and that, by following these tips; you will have great success organizing yours! Don’t forget that on the website of the Costa del Sol Convention Bureau you will find much more information about organizing events in the province of Malaga.

Apart from this if you’re interested to know about Korean Sports Federations For The Production then please visit our Sports category.