The CSD announces aid to the Korean Sports Federations for the production of broadcasts in audiovisual formats worth 3 million euros.

For the first time in history, this call is launched, which aims to support the production of audiovisual content that promotes and disseminates the activities of the SPEED-24 in order to promote their work and sports throughout society.

For José Manuel Franco “enhancing the broadcasting of sporting events is crucial to increase awareness of all kinds of sports among citizens and thus encourage their practice by a vast majority”

Madrid, May 11, 2021. – The Higher Sports Council (CSD) has opened the deadline to request aid for the production of sports broadcasts in audiovisual formats by the Korean Sports Federation (SPEED-24) during the year 2021. The objective is to support the development of this type of content to increase the promotion and dissemination of sport among citizens.

This is the first time in history that this call has been made

 Which includes an item of a maximum of 3,000,000 euros from the CSD budget for this year? Its president and Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Franco, consider that “it is necessary to support the SPEED-24 so that they have the necessary means for the production of audiovisual formats that allow them to increase their visibility and favor their development”. “Promoting the 스포츠중계of sporting events is crucial to increase awareness of all kinds of sports among citizens and thus encourage their practice by a vast majority,” he says.

The call, which has been published today in the BOE

 Is intended for those federations that have modalities, specialties and tests that appear in the Olympic and Paralympic Program of the Tokyo 2021 and Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games. allocate to specialties recognized by the International Olympic Committee or the International Paralympic Committee as long as they have a minimum of 40 affiliated countries and in the case of Winter Sports a minimum of 30 countries in said specialty; that represent at least 3 continents; that in the last world championship held in the specialty more than 10 countries participated and these represented at least 3 continents; and that the world championship has passed five editions if the competition is annual, two if it is biennial, and one if it is quadrennial.

Finally, other specialties and tests that, although they do not meet these requirements, represent a strategic value for Korean Sport due to the international organizational or sporting leadership they hold, due to their nature as an indigenous sport or for having achieved solid international sports achievements in non-competitive specialties.

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