What is modern lighting?

The lighting trends come and go but there is one constant in the world of lighting that never changes, the need for it. 

Although fluorescent lights are generally considered to be an older technology they are still very much in use today.  They have become one of the most cost-effective solutions for artificial light available on the market today. Although they can’t compete with some other sources as far as efficiency goes, their low price makes them a great choice for many applications where keeping costs down is important.

The compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) has been around since about 1992 and it’s gaining popularity every year because of its many advantages over incandescent lamps. The CFLs provide more natural light than incandescent bulbs and they last longer due to the lower power consumption. CFLs provide good illumination for general lighting, but there are some applications where they don’t work as well as other sources of light.

Tips for modern lighting:

One application where compact fluorescent lights can be a problem is in recessed ceiling diffusers (also known as pot lights). The reflectors and lenses used in these fixtures guide and disperse the light, reducing its intensity by about 90 percent. This means that if you use a 23-watt CFL instead of an incandescent 75-watt bulb, you will get less than two watts worth of useful light.

The following tips will help you choose the right lighting for your diffuser cans:

• Use led retrofit kits;

• Use CFLs with higher wattage rating;

• Use MR 16 light sources.

The LED technology is relatively new and it has a lot to offer. One of the biggest advantages is that they emit very little heat, which means that they can last much longer than incandescent or fluorescent lamps. The best thing about LEDs is that there are no mercury emissions involved in their production, disposal, or recycling. In addition to their great energy efficiency ratings compared to other types of lights, LEDs can last from 50,000 up to 100,000 hours before they need replacement. This makes them an excellent choice for outdoor applications where changing lamps frequently can be inconvenient at best and costly at worst. However, not all LEDs are created equal! Some cheap models don’t have enough power to produce enough light for commercial lighting purposes.

One drawback of the LED technology is the high cost when compared to other sources of light. This can be particularly problematic in recessed cans where you need a large number of lamps. There are some options available, though :

• Use only one LED source instead of several CFL lamps;

• Retrofit your fixtures with new LED bulbs ;

• Keep existing incandescent or fluorescent lamps and add LEDs for accent lighting.

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Types of modern lighting:

1. Halogens Lamp

The halogen lamp has been around since just after WWII and it remains one of the best choices for many applications because they provide great illumination while using very little power. But there are some bad things about this type of lamp too – most importantly, they emit an excessive amount of heat and they need frequent replacement.

Another important factor to consider, especially in commercial lighting is the safety issues associated with halogen lamps. They produce ultraviolet radiation that can cause retinal damage and skin burns. Some people develop a skin condition called arc eye as well as nausea, headaches, and dizziness when exposed to bright light for an extended period of time. This can be a problem in offices, schools, warehouses, and other large spaces where there are lots of sources of light. One solution is to install dimmer switches so you can regulate the brightness according to your needs at different times – this will not only save on energy but also on lamp life since fewer lamps will be running at full capacity.

Although there are some significant advantages of CFLs over incandescent lamps, they are not a perfect solution either. This means that you should carefully consider what kind of light source is the right fit for the specific application. If you have any questions or concerns about how to choose the right lighting, feel free to contact Green Sense Lighting at 586-731-8151 and we will be glad to help!

2. Federal lighting

The Federal Government is one of the largest purchasers of lighting in the nation. In 2009, through its Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), it purchased approximately 9 billion kWhrs of electricity to power over 1 million federally owned or leased buildings. This represents a substantial cost to federal taxpayers, nearly $1.7 billion dollars per year on average for electric power alone. That is about 2% of total U.S. energy consumption and 4% of commercial electrical consumption! And since FEMP is responsible for an additional 3 billion kWh/year at military installations, you can see that lighting accounts for a significant portion of our energy use as a country.

The good news is that even with this tremendous purchasing power, the federal government has not been immune to the increasing cost of electricity. To combat these costs, FEMP launched its Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) program in 2006. The low-risk, high-reward ESPC contracts are structured so that energy service companies invest their own capital to upgrade federal facilities’ lighting systems. Through performance contracting, investments are made upfront in new technologies with guaranteed pay back over time through reduced utility bills.

ESPCs have already proven to be a boon for facility managers at many federal agencies including Army and Navy installations across the nation. After rapid installation of LED technology, studies showed that over half of all Army garrisons achieved more than 50 reductions in their total electric bill!

Industrial Lightning

Lighting in industrial settings can be a difficult task, due to the nature of the working environments. These tend to have high ceilings and cast areas that are exposed to harsh conditions both indoors and outdoors. When designing an industrial space it is important to remember that you’re building for function first; other design elements (such as color, finishes, etc.) will come later when other construction elements are taken into consideration.

Industrial spaces should focus on diffuse light sources because they bounce natural rays off surfaces allowing them to permeate throughout an entire space without creating dark spots or hotspots. The primary concern in this type of setting is safety through illumination – if there isn’t enough lighting no one will be able to work comfortably while worrying about bumping into things or hurting themselves.


Lighting for industrial spaces should be varied depending on the type of work being done. In a garage setting, it isn’t necessary to have a lot of background lighting, whereas in an office setting every task from typing to filing needs good lighting so workers aren’t straining their eyes. Flow from one space to another without having to adjust your eyesight is important as well, so environmental lighting is key for this reason.


Clarity, geometry, and refinement are the three words that best describe contemporary lighting. The clarity originates from the fact that modern lighting, as opposed to other types like vintage & club lighting, emphasizes on making the surroundings brighter than it already is.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about LED Street Lights vs LED Parking Lot Lights then visit our Tech category.